Pavitra Athley

I love meeting people being to being, heart to heart and exploring what is our true nature. Meeting in what we really are and looking at our deepest potential as human beings ​and supporting others to find their true inner guidance.

Pavitra was trained to give Essence Sessions and to facilitate groups in Essential Living by Diamond Logo teachers Faisal Muqqadam, Velusia Van Horssen and Jeremy Cline in Copenhagen. She has attended many retreats covering different aspects of the Essential and Absolute Realm. She is a Psycho-Motoric Therapist and has studied Humanistic Body-Psycho Therapy. She is also trained in Esoteric Science, Metaphysical Reading, Aura Soma Therapy 1 & 2 and Prana Healing. She has been a bodyworker for more than 30 years and previously led meditation and Essence groups.

Available sessions with Pavitra Athley

This is for people who have done some Essence Work and would like support for embodying and integrating the essential qualities in their daily life. In the sessions you will have an opportunity to look at how these specific qualities are showing up or being experienced as lacking in your day to day life. You will gain deeper understanding and find ways to support yourself in the unfolding and realization of these qualities. Qualities of your being such as strength, inner support, value, joy, love and peace will become more trustworthy resources in your daily life. Your inner guidance will become a ‘friend’ that you can turn to in challenging life situations.

Session price: 1 hr – 600 Dkr

In this session you will be guided deeper into yourself verbally and non-verbally, supporting you to relax in your body and come ‘home’ in your heart. It may include some gentle and healing touch. You can bring an issue that you wish to look into or just see what is unfolding. This session is a beautiful and nourishing way to land in yourself when arriving at Osho Risk, in preparation for a group or training. It is also a way to integrate after an intense group experience.

Session price: 1 hr – 600 Dkr

Would you like to book a session with​ Pavitra Athley?

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Pavitra Athley

I love meeting people being to being, heart to heart and exploring what is our true nature. Meeting in what we really are and looking at our deepest potential as human beings ​and supporting others to find their true inner guidance.

About this module

What you will learn

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Pavitra Athley

About this module

What you will learn

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Training for Transformation

FINAL CALL. Last few spaces. Begin your inner journey in 2024