
For over forty years, Akhail’s aim has been to share his skills in the art of being present with ourselves and others.
Akhail Nishant Matthews

Akhail Matthews (formerly Nishant) is a Netherlands based therapist, teacher, guide, and inspiration source.

In individual work he has unique abilities to see the full you, including your soul and the lessons it is working with. He brings a healing quality of acceptance, insight, and Presence.  

In training, he is happy to share the skills and insights of his 40 years of sessions and group leading with people who are looking for a deeper spiritual foundation as well as precision skills for the new times we are in. Akhail is a transformer and helps others to also realize their ability to heartfully discover and transform (when appropriate) the major life issues we are facing now. 

Akhail is passionately dedicated to supporting the new consciousness of these arising in these times of change and challenge. He shares Heart Skills to journey the tough emotions and Heart Skills to support the light that comes naturally to us when we call it.

In this new field of heart centered consciousness, we recover one of our deepest gifts: the tender heart. This is the heart that knows its hurts and pains and can meet people on this level. It also means the heart that knows its light and timeless Presence. In this tender heart a new way of healing human wounding opens, a new force of love flows through us all. 

Akhail is American born, holds a MA degree in religious studies. He has maintained a daily meditation practice for over 50 years.

Upcoming events with Akhail

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For over forty years, Akhail’s aim has been to share his skills in the art of being present with ourselves and others.
Akhail Nishant Matthews

About this module

What you will learn

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About this module

What you will learn

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Training for Transformation

FINAL CALL. Last few spaces. Begin your inner journey in 2024