Sangeet Flemming

Sangeet is an experienced therapist with many tools to assist you with any issue.

​Sangeet has been with Osho since 1979. He was educated as a physician and a psychologist and later trained in a variety of psychotherapy, including Primal Therapy, Pulsation and Breath.

He is a certified hypnotherapist and studied at the Institut for Avanceret Hypnose. He is also educated in stress management and coaching.

Between 2001-10, he taught body-oriented psychology at a School for Relaxation Therapists.

He is trained in facilitation meditation processes, including the Osho Mystic Rose, at the Osho Multiversity in Pune, India.

Available sessions with Sangeet Flemming

This session will help you to relax into a trance state, in which contact with the unconscious layers of your mind is facilitated. In this state, you can become aware of past experiences that have a limiting effect on your life today, transforming the root causes of your unwanted habits.

Session price: 1.25 hr session – 600 Dkr

During this process, you look with fresh eyes at the way you were forced to create yourself in childhood, seeing how this may be hindering your ability to live in a joyful and authentic way, here and now, in the present moment. ​

Session price: 1.25 hr session – 600 Dkr

In this session, we use exercises and body awareness to focus on areas of your body that may be tense, painful or insensitive. The aim is to re-embrace these “forgotten” parts with a loving and understanding attitude, so you can feel your aliveness as a whole being.

Session price: 1.25 hr session – 600 Dkr

Here we are using hyperventilation to change your brain chemistry for a while, so that very deep memories easily can surface (“rebirthing”). You may also experience just a deep relaxation and new understanding of past situations which fall “into place”. ​

Session price: 1.25 hr session – 600 Dkr

This type of session helps you finding and expressing your authentic voice from your roots, heart and vocal ability – be it the right words to the right person, sounds to release and heal your energy body, finding the joy in singing with freedom, or refining the expression in your singing voice. ​

Session price: 1.25 hr session – 600 Dkr

Would you like to book a session with​ Sangeet Flemming?

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Sangeet Flemming

Sangeet is an experienced therapist with many tools to assist you with any issue.

About this module

What you will learn

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Sangeet Flemming

About this module

What you will learn

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Training for Transformation

FINAL CALL. Last few spaces. Begin your inner journey in 2024